History of the Chair

The department of the English language was established in 1965. The founder and first head of the department was Georgiy Bogin, candidate of philology and a graduate of Leningrad State University named after Zhdanov. Georgiy Bogin made a huge contribution to the formation and further development of the department. Currently, the department is renamed the Department of English Language and Teaching Methodology; since 2018, the department is headed by Dinara Sarsembayevna Ryspayeva, associate professor, candidate of philology.For more than 50 years of its existence, the department has had a huge number of graduates who are now successfully working in Kazakhstan and abroad. A huge contribution to the development of the department was made by teachers Yeremiya N.L., Mashikova R.G., Krasnikova L.N., Mirgaliyeva T.A., Nemchenko N.F., and many others who worked at the department for more than 30 years.

The department of English language and teaching methods

Educational Programs

Teaching staff

RYSPAYEVA DINARA SARSEMBAEVNA (Chair of the Department of English language and Teaching Methods) NEMCHENKO NATALYA FYODOROVNA (Candidate of Philological Sciences ) ISMAGULOVA AINAGUL YERBULATOVNA (Head of the Project Office “Serpilis”) ZHUKENOVA ALMA KARISOVNA (Associate Professor ) DALBERGENOVA LYAZZAT YELEMESOVNA (Associate professor, professor) BORGUL NATALYA MIKHAILOVNA (Lecturer) BURDYGA IRINA VLADIMIROVNA (Lecturer) ZAYATS TATYANA VLADIMIROVNA (Lecturer ) MOISEYEVA YELENA VALERYEVNA (лектор) MIKHAILOVA TATYANA VLADIMIROVNA (Lecturer ) BELYAYEVA ELMIRA PETROVNA (Assistant-lecturer ) ASHIMOVA AIDANA KAIRATOVNA (Lecturer) Astafieva Yulia Valeryevna (Lekturer) GABDULLINA ZARINA YESLYAMBEKOVNA (Lecturer) KENZHEKHANOVA NURBAKHYT KASHKYNBAYEVNA (Assistant-lecturer ) TLEUGABYLOV ZHANSERIK KONYRATOVICH (Lecturer ) BERDIKULOVA RAMIDA DASTANBEKOVNA (Assistant-lecturer ) KAIROVA AIZHAN ABLAYEVNA (Assistant-lecturer ) MUKHAMEDZHANOV ILYAS TULEGENOVICH (Assistant-lecturer ) YELYUBAYEVA AINASH ORALOVNA (Assistant-lecturer ) BEKTEMIROVA BALZHAN ORDABAYEVNA (Assistant-lecturer ) AUBAKIROVA BAKHYT TULEGENOVNA (Аssistan teacher ) Zhunisova Dayana Nurkanatovna (Assistant-lecturer) Niyazova Diana Amantaevna (Assistant-lecturer ) Chernigovtseva Olga Yakovlevna (Assistant lecturer) Taniyeva Anar Idrisovna (Assistant-lecturer ) Ramazanova Aigerim Yerikovna (Assistant-lecturer ) Zhandos Aliya Erkinkyzy (Assistant-lecturer ) Saparova Zamzagul Turlybekovna (Assistant-lecturer ) Krutova Alyona Valerievna (Assistant-lecturer ) Gluchshenko Yekaterina Yevgenyevna (Assistant-lecturer ) Ganzha Khadi Lom-Alievna (Assistant-lecturer ) Temirkhan Shyryn Erlikkyzy (Lecturer's assistant) Bazarova Altyn Yerlanovna (Assistant-lecturer ) Zhanabergenova Gulashkan Gainidinkyzy (Assistant of Lecturer ) Kalikhaidarova Gulmira Yerbolatovna (Lecturer) Bekkozha Zhylkybekuly (Associated professor ) Kabdosh Ainur Kairatkyzy (Assistant of Lecturer ) Dusenbaeva Manshuk Esbolatovna (Assistant lecturer )


Phone numbers

8 (7162) 25 03 36

Address of the department
Abay 76 street, main building, office no.417
