Digital catalogue MEGAPRO


The library of Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov contributes to the intellectual development of learning, creativity and improvement of entrepreneurial and scientific culture in the university environment.


The Ualikhanov KU Library is the center of attraction of scientific, educational, informational, communicative and socio-cultural environment of the university.

Library History

The history of the library is inextricably linked with the history of education and development of the University named after Sh.Ualikhanov. The history of the library begins with the opening in 1962 of the Kokchetav Pedagogical Institute named after Sh.Ualikhanov.

The first fund of books was donated, which consisted of four hundred books. Many educational institutions sent donations of books from their library funds as a book exchange. In different years, enthusiastic professionals headed the library. Since 1967, the department of literature processing and the department of bibliography were opened.

In 1979, along with the formation of Kokchetav branch of Tselinograd Agricultural Institute were opened a reading room and a delivery desk room in the building of the Agricultural Institute. The library fund was replenished with new literature. From 1984 to 2007, the entire fund was transferred from the UDC to the LBC. In 2012 we implemented an automatized library and information system called KABIS, which has modules for automating library processes. Work on barcoding the educational literature was also carried out.

At the present time

Nowadays the library is a modern center of information, education and culture. It promotes high-quality education and preparation of competitive specialists for the region and the country. The library carries out scientifically grounded, complete and operative current and retrospective acquisition of library fund, realizes satisfaction of inquiries of readers on the literature, by its giving out to the readers, provision and use of information resources of library, realization of cultural-mass programs for students, teaching staff and researchers. The library meets the needs of all reading groups arising in the process of educational and research processes.

The uniqueness of the library is its fund, which is more than 728000 units of educational and scientific literature and a rare fund, which consists of 680 copies of press works published in the 19th century in Kazakh, Russian, German and English. The main part of the entire fund consists of encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books.

Also, the fund is annually replenished with periodicals, abstracts and dissertations, methodological manuals, bibliographic indexes on printed and electronic media. The electronic catalog has been replenished with 5000 scanned electronic resources. In order to digitize the entire fund, a CZAR book scanner (M3000 Pro series) was purchased. In 2020, the collection of the electronic library system "Epigraph" was acquired, which consists of 1,500 titles, textbooks and teaching aids in all areas of training and 23 multimedia textbooks in the following areas: psychology, Kazakh philology, medicine, biology, mathematics, accounting and auditing, history, business and law, management, construction, chemistry and others.

The works of Sh. Ualikhanov KU scientists occupy a special place in the library fund. There is an electronic repository "Ualikhanov KU Scientists", which contains digitized materials of the works of prominent scientists of the university.

There are reading rooms and a delivery desk room in the five academic buildings of the university. The electronic reading room of the Higher School of Medicine has access to electronic databases and formed a fund with literature in three languages. A 12-month subscription to the content of the Cochrane Library databases, including the CDSR, the Central Registry of Clinical Trials CENRAL, and the Cochrane Clinical Guidelines CCA, was purchased. Also, students of the Higher School of Medicine actively use electronic databases. The book fund is constantly being updated with new educational literature.

There is a modern electronic reading room in the main building. Member of the Board of Directors of Enactus Kazakhstan and founder of the Reading Club project Azamat Utenov donated more than 200 books to the fund of the reading room, which are in great demand among students.

In all reading rooms access to external electronic resources of the Kazakhstan National Electronic Library, information system "PARAGRAPH", the Republican Interuniversity Electronic Library and other databases of scientific information is provided. In order to automate library processes, an automated library and information system MegaPro was purchased and introduced for effective user service. Remote access to the library fund is carried out through the electronic catalog "MegaPro". The JAWS program with the Focus 14 Blue ultra-portable Braille display with Bluetooth wireless technology for persons with special educational needs is used. Digital Library "Aknurpress" - a software product with online access to a database of domestic digital textbooks and teaching materials on humanitarian and medical fields in Kazakh, Russian and English languages, with technical support and a call center was purchased. The library is daily updated and supplemented with new publications, as well as the base has domestic scientific articles on various disciplines.

For the further development of the library it is planned to expand the capacity of the library by subscribing to licensed electronic resources and the acquisition and introduction of new digital library collections, including multimedia textbooks of domestic and foreign authors and automatization of library process management.

Head of the Ualikhanov University Library, Master of Arts - Anieva Nurgul Galymovna

Contact number: 8 778 46 95 217

Office number: 40-26-83


Address: Temirbekov, 30