Banking and Financial Management (Major/ Minor)
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

4 year

Specialized subjects


Objectives of the educational program

  • Preparation of future creative employees of the financial sector in demand in the labor market, who have mastered fundamental knowledge in the field of finance, financial analytics and management, capable of their implementation in practice and ready for continuous professional self-improvement throughout their lives


The relevance of the educational program 6B04106 "Banking and financial management" is due to the increasing demand in the labor market today for financial professionals in financial management of the state, private enterprises, joint international enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership and management. Effective financial management determines the success of the state, firms and other economic entities, therefore, the training of qualified personnel armed with modern methods and knowledge in the field of financial management is an urgent need of society.

  • Academic writing
  • Information and communication technologies (in English)
  • Money, credit, banks
  • Sociology
  • Banking
  • Basic accounting
  • Physical education
  • Pre-graduate practice
  • Financing and lending investments
  • Corporate finance
  • Kazakh/Russian
  • Modern history of Kazakhstan
  • Finance
  • Financial control and audit
  • Financial management
  • Financial analysis
  • Macroeconomics
  • Cultural
  • Studies o Management
  • Microeconomics
  • Educational practice
  • Production practice
  • Production practice
  • Psychology
  • Taxes and taxation
  • Political Science
  • Philosophy
  • Foreign language
  • Mathematics in Economics
  • Economic theory
  • Human Resource Management
  • Evaluation
  • Securities market
  • -Banking management
  • Banking products and services
  • Digitalization of banking services
  • Computerization of accounting
  • Crisis management
  • Project management
  • Innovation management
  • Fundamentals of Islamic Finance
  • Business Ethics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Enterprise competitiveness management
  • Leadership and youth policy
  • Regulation of financial institutions
  • Financial markets and intermediaries
  • Accounting and reporting in financial authorities
  • State budget and Treasury
  • Management of state property and assets
  • Management and control of public procurement
  • Fundamentals of law and anti-corruption culture
  • Personnel management
  • Insurance and social security
  • Fundamentals of strategic management
  • Technological entrepreneurship and startups
  • Fundamentals of life safety
  • Payment system
  • Organization of tourist business
  • Financial accounting in accordance with IFRS
  • Finances of foreign countries
  • Shock Science
  • Ecology and sustainable development
  • Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship
  • Monetary regulation of the economy

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • Describe the acquired knowledge about the evolution of society, the diversity of cultures, civilizations, forms of social experience, environmental culture, legal norms governing economic processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan and international relations;
  • Apply information technology, information management skills, use mathematical models for economic calculations, use language skills in the professional field;
  • Operate with knowledge and skills in the field of economics, management, innovation management, accounting, statistics, be able to analyze the source material and draw appropriate conclusions, apply them in practice;
  • Use in practice knowledge of the basics of finance, entrepreneurship, monetary regulation, taxation, be able to organize the work of performers;
  • To know the methods of scientific research and academic writing and apply them in the field under study, to understand the importance of the principles and culture of academic integrity, to reveal the ability to self-development and freedom;
  • Illustrate and demonstrate an understanding of the basics of the organization of public finance and corporate finance, demonstrate practical skills in the financial and budgetary sphere, insurance business;
  • Demonstrate the skills of acquiring new knowledge in developing strategies and tactics of financial activities of business entities, second-tier banks and digitalization of their services, evaluating the effectiveness of the securities portfolio, choosing the optimal investment placement option, reporting financial market participants;
  • Use the skills of management, analysis and control over the financial activities of economic entities, financial and credit institutions