History of the Chair

The Department of General Linguistics and Literature is a solid scientific and methodological center that trains students in all areas: bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs.

The department was formed in September 2021 as part of the reorganization on the basis of the Department of Russian Philology and Library Science and the Department of Foreign Languages. The head of the combined department is L.S. Baimanova, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Currently, the department employs 37 full-time teachers, 7 part-time teachers, and 2 employers. Among them: doctors of science, professors - 2; candidates of science - 7, PhD doctors - 2.

The department provides teaching of Russian language and literature at all levels of education, German as a first and second foreign language, as well as Russian and English languages at the interfaculty level.

The Department of General Linguistics and Literature

Educational Programs

Teaching staff

Baymanova Lazzat Seitzievna (Head of the Department) Aigul Doszhanovna Zhakupova (Vice-rector for scientific work and interaction with the region) Anishchenko Olga Alexandrovna (Associate Professor) Assenova Aitzhan Bekbulatovna (assistant professor) Akhetova Adiya Aidarkhanovna (Senor-lecturer ) Akhmetova Assel Zhanatovna (Senor-lecturer ) Buzhenova Gulzara Kasymovna (Lecturer ) Gabbasova Nurgaisha Orazbaevna (Lecturer ) Turovskaya Yekaterina Ivanovna (Lecturer) Yekaterina Zhumagulova (Lecturer ) Zhumanova Gulnur Zhanatovna (Lecturer) Zhunussova Saule Yerkenovna (Senor-lecturer ) Zabinyakova Galina Valentinovna (Lecturer ) Sapash Shynar (Lecturer) Kalzhanova Anar Nurlanovna (Lecturer) Kasenov Sapar Negmetovich (Lecturer ) Loktionova Natalia Petrovna (Assistant Professor ) Meyrmanova Karlygash Seitzhanovna (Lecturer) Akbota Omirzhanovna Mukasheva (Lecturer ) Nauryzbekova Ainur Zhaskairatovna (Lecturer) NegmetzhanovaAliya Orazalinovna (Lecturer) Nezhinskaya Elena Yurievna (Lecturer) Pulkina Anna Viktorovna (assistant lecturer) Tavlui Marina Vasilyevna (Assistant Professor ) Temirova Zhanna G. (Assistant Professor ) Turgumbayeva Aimara Ganievna (Senior lecturer ) Assel Urazbayeva (Lecturer) Aizhan Sharipova Seilkhanovna (Lecturer) Zhienalina Aizhan Mukhamedzharovna (Lecturer) Kalzhanova Dana Nurlanovna (Lecturer) Mukazhanova Zhanar Mazhitovna (lecturer's assistant) Fatkiyeva Gulnara Tagirovna (Associate Professor ) Kyzzhibek Shulembayeva (Сеньор-лектор) Temirkhan Shyryn Erlikkyzy (Lecturer's assistant) Botagoz Seytsievna Baymanova (Teacher of Russian language and literature) Shmeltser Victoria Vladimirovna (Lecturer) Turgumbayeva Balgyn Kaukarovna ( Assistant ) Gulnara Khasseinova (Senor lecturer ) Омарова Нурлугуль Галыевна (Сеньор-лектор)


Phone numbers

8 (7162) 25 48 19

Address of the department
Abay 76, Main building, 4th floor Room 406
